When you think of selling items, getting rid of clutter etc.. these days the first thought is using App's like Offer-Up, Let-go or Marketplace. But as safety concerns continue to rise, Sarasota Pawn Shops are a more safe viable option. In our business we hear many stories about interactions between buyers and sellers. Some go smoothly and others have gone horribly wrong. We realize you will not get the full value of your item but is it really worth the risk? So let's get to why selling to a Pawn Shop is a better, safer way to get some cash for items you may no longer need.
1. Safe and Secure Location
Our store is a safe and secure location, we record all transactions and upload to law enforcement on a daily basis.
2. Locked devices reported lost or stolen
You have some recourse if the item is not as described with us. Some examples would be phones, tablets and watches on an active account. Also when reported lost or stolen after the transaction they are worthless. We guarantee 100% activation ready or money back.
3. Store Front with a variety of merchandise that fits every budget
We are a family owned specialty retail store in business for more than thirty years at the same location. We carry a variety of items like gold and silver jewelry, high-end electronics, musical instruments, contractor tools, memorabilia and much, much more.